Thursday, October 22, 2015

Techology with Hundreds of Functions, Google

At first, I would have written about graphic design application such as Photoshop, Paint Tool SAI, or CorelDraw for the most impressing technology information in my whole life. But in the midst of my confusion whether to choose one out of the three, something came into my mind like a wrecking ball. :v

 “How did I find out about these amazing applications?” Google, yup. And here I am, writing about google for my very first task in STI instead of writing about those wonderful applications. Though actually google is just as amazing as the others, but with different functions.

Since I’m pretty sure everyone in TC knows google (I would laugh at anyone who says he/she doesn’t know google. Sarcastically :v), I wouldn’t bother ‘googling’ about google for this. I think just the main idea of google in my opinion and the reasons I chose google as my most impressing technology information would be more than enough.

First time I knew google was when I was still a snotted little brat, actually no, it was when I was a 6th grader. That time, I only knew google as just a mere search engine in internet. It could help us looking for articles, blogs, websites, and images. But as time passes by, google was updated again and again, having such a significant expansion of functions, which I haven’t even tried every single new functions yet. That’s just how many new function it developed other than being a search engine. Some of the examples are gmail, google+, google translate, google docs, google drive, google maps, youtube, google play, and many more.

As for the reasons, without me realizing, google had been part of my life for the past years. How? Easiest answer is because every time I’m confused about my subjects in school, google will be the first thing I look for. When I don’t know what was going on on my computer, google will be the slight ray of hope to my troubles. Even now I’m writing this essay in English, I’m using google translate for some words.

Another reason is because of google maps. It helped heaps on my life, truthfully. Every time I move out to a new place, google maps will always be here to help me comprehending the place better. And actually many more reasons like how I can find many amazing applications, games, etc.

P.s: don’t worry, I will explain this in Bahasa if I’m pointed to present my work tomorrow :’v

M. Rosyid Abdurrohman

4 komentar:

  1. apakah suatu saat google akan tumbang ? ._.

    1. menurut keyakinan saya, semua pasti akan tumbang selain Allah, termasuk google. walaupun mungkin tidak dalam waktu dekat melihat bagaimana google menguasai dunia maya.

      m rosyid abdurrohman / 5115100144

  2. saya ingin bertanya soal google search, misalkan saya mengetik "apa artinya " suggestionnya yang keluar=
    apa artinya baper
    apa artinya cinta
    bagaimana suggestion" itu bisa muncul? bagaimana cara kerja/ apakah ada cara merubah suggestion? karena terkadang suggestion yang muncul merupakan kata" negatif
    -rizka 114

    1. suggestion yang ditampilkan google search adalah kata kunci yang lagi hitz dikalangan netizen, perbaikan kalau kita ada yang typo, atau merupakan kata kunci yang dulu kita pernah cari di google search dan masih tersimpan di history.
      dengan mengumpulkan data pencarian di google, google menggunakan fitur suggestion untuk memudahkan pengguna.

      misalkan kita ingin mencari "apa artinya cinta", kita hanya dengan mengetik "apa artinya" saja, kita sudah mendapatkan suggestion dari google, sehingga kita tidak perlu menulis "apa artinya cinta" secara lengkap.
      atau kalau kita tidak ingat bagaimana tulisan dari "anagram", tapi kita masih sedikit ingat kalau kata depannya adalah "ana---", dengan hanya menuliskan "ana", kita lalu akan mendapat suggestion dari google.

      untuk masalah suggestion yang keluar adalah kata-kata negatif, berarti memang yang lagi ngehitz di internet adalah kata-kata negatif itu--
      karena komputer tidak bisa membedakan baik dan buruk, kita tidak dapat mengubah suggestion yang akan ditampilkan._.
      tapi, kita dapat menghapus suggestion supaya tidak muncul.
      mungkin forum ini dapat membantu (!topic/chrome/xooGdnKM38Y)

      m rosyid abdurrohman / 5115100144
